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Please note that you can pay online with your PayPal account. A small surcharge will be added to offset the cost to ISKF-Alaska for using PayPal.

To pay your fees securely through PayPal,click here.

Individual Membership $50.00/year

Annual registration for individual membership in ISKF Alaska is due on September 1st and is valid through August 31st of the following year. You will be able to save a copy of this completed form for your records. Hard copies should be submitted to your instructor in person, via USPS, or via email as an attachment

If you are using USPS, please send your completed form and payment to:

ISKF Alaska Region

Attn: Registration Forms

PO Box 240264

Anchorage,AK 99524 

This form may also be submitted electronically if you have an Adobe Digital ID and signature. If you would like to create an Adobe ID now, pleaseClick Here tovisit the Adobe website.

Club Membership $150.00/year

Annual Club membership registration and dues are required in order for a club to be registered with ISKF headquarters in Philadelphia, PA. The annual club memberships are due to headquarters before January 1st of the following year. These forms are sent to the Alaska Regional Director and all are forwarded to ISKF Headquarters.

Testing Fees

Kyu testing $45.00 for 1st family member and $25.00 for each additional family member

$5.00 additional late fee for payment on day of test

Dan testing and registration(updated 12/23/2019, but check with your instructor as fees may change)

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